Hypnotherapy is a state of deep relaxation. Your conscious mind eases and your body unwinds. This lets us access the subconscious mind and help you make meaningful change.

About hypnotherapy

During hypnosis you are guided into a deep form of mental and physical relaxation by a trained hypnotherapist using visualisation and verbal repetition. 

In this state you can focus on your subconscious mind and will be more receptive to suggestions. The suggestions are what you want to change. We are here to help you form new patterns of behaviour and move closer to your personal goals.



People in a hypnotic state often seem sleepy and zoned out, but in reality, they are hyper-aware and focussed.

How it feels

The experience of hypnosis can vary dramatically from one person to another. Some feel a sense of deep relaxation while others are able to carry out conversations.

You’re in control

You will always be in charge of your own actions, behaviours, and statements. Most of us know what we need to do to change our own behaviours. In a relaxed state you will be able to see this more clearly.